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Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion
CCNPIC  By Nancy Wu


020-4747 广西桂林王城旧址

ID:020-4747 Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion   Picture


020-4746 广西桂林王城旧址

ID:020-4746 Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion   Picture


020-4853 广西桂林王城西门

ID:020-4853 Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion   Picture


020-4745 广西桂林王城旧址

ID:020-4745 Guilin Wangcheng site: the best preserved Ming Dynasty China Military Governors mansion   Picture

  (CCNPIC Nancy Wu)

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